TENGARD investment style is "L・・・ - TENGARD: Investment Advisor in Hong Kong

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TENGARD investment style is “Low Risk and High Return”

[March 31, 2016]

Analysis of Risk Return TableThe Analysis of Risk Return Table (2013-2015)

The diagram above is 2013-2015 risk return table of Nikkei 225 index, MSCI World Index, Hang Seng Index and Tengard portfolio. Although Nikkei 225 index has a higher rate of return in the figure, the risk is relatively high. While the MSCI World Index has similar yield with our company’s portfolio, but exposed to higher risk. The Hang Seng Index has worst performance with high risk and low return.
In comparison, our portfolio is low-risk and high-return portfolio. It reflects our company’s great financial risk management, avoiding great fall of market a few times during 2013-2015 so that customers can bear lower risk and obtain higher yield.


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  • Company Update

Tengard Fund Management Limited is a registered Investment Advisor with the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC).

Tengard Fund Management Limited is a licensed MPF Intermediaries under Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA).

Tengard Finanacial Services Limited is a licensed broker under Insurance Authority (IA).